We’re ALL slaves.
The question is only;
To who or what?
Bob Dillon had that song that said “You got to serve somebody.”
This was a song he created during his ‘Gospel’ period, that was recieved with mixed reviews.
Many thought is silly, John Lennon wrote and released a song called “You gotta serve yourself” as a counter.
But, Bob had some clarity at that time, and his point has a very Biblical foundation;
   ☆ “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.
   • Matthew 6:24
But we are all we are slaves to something.
Some people are:
• Slaves to their job
• Slaves to their finances
• Slaves to the children
• Slaves to their addictions
• Slaves to culture
Most of those things do not seem to appear as masters, but they are.
Most people who are Slaves to those things, never see themselves as slaves to those things.
Yet they work so hard to become so successful in those things, as that is where, in their minds, is where their achievement is derived.
So, those who are serving those areas, are really serving themselves.
That is exactly where the enemy wants us.
Yet, those who are sold out to the Lord, try to example the Lord.
So, then tend to be a slave to service.
To others.
   ☆ But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
   • Mark 10:44-45
So, what Christ shows us, what Christ examples to us, what Christ teaches us is that when we serve others, when we free ourselves.
When we become a servant of Christ, we become free from the World.
• Paul
• James
• Timothy
• Peter &
• Jude
All called themselves ‘BONDservants’ of Christ.
The aspect of being a ‘bond’ servant was not just that they made a personal choice to be a slave, but to do so for LIFE.
When we surrender to God, we let every other master go.
When we let every other master go, we allow God to take control.
When we let God take control, we can serve HIM with all of our mind, body & spirit.
That is where freedom lives, and with that comes the peace that is beyond all understanding.
   ☆ But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life.
   • Romans 6:22
Praise GOD!
We are all slaves.
But what are we Slaves to?
Let us all be slaves…to ETERNAL LIFE.
I love you guys!