What do you think, when I ask this question;
Do you know your ‘real’ identity?
Do you think of a gender identity?
Do you think of a sexual identity?
Do you think of a political identity?
Most people will, because;
That is what todays culture bases identity on today.
But that is NOT what God meant.
God told us that we were CREATED in HIS image.
We were originally born into the image of HIS identity.
We are not just born into His image, but even better;
We are BORN AGAIN into it!
☆ Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
• 2 Corinthians 5:17
The human beings most pure form of identity is; IN GOD.
That is why the culture, the world, the enemy are doing everything they can to create confusion over ‘identity’.
That is why they want to remove God from all society.
That is why they are passing more equality laws.
That is why they are removing religious liberties.
That is why they are isolating this message on younger youth every day.
That is why there is so much more depression, suicidal ideation, and drug use in that demographic.
It is one of the greatest battles in this country today.
It is a direct attack on God, and the way to remove HIM from the awareness of the culture.
And then infiltrate the cultrue, as a way to attack the people who are unaware of God.
But WE no longer walk unaware.
☆ Like you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is ‘now at work in the sons of disobedience’.
• Ephesians 2:2
So…we know that a woman is.
A woman is a humanoid with a uterus and ovaries.
Men will not and can not have that. Science.
– It is not an identity.
We know a man has a scrotum and testes.
Women can not. Biology, not an opinion.
But that is ‘What’ they are, it is not WHO they are.
– It is not an identity.
We know that God made man and woman together.
So they could be fruitful and multiply.
That was what they are to ‘DO’, in love, to create a family.
Having sex with someone is what one does, it is not who they ‘ARE’
– It is not an identity.
Todays selfish narcissistic culture is ‘everything is about me’.
They say it is all about ‘my identity’. They demand all honor their identity.
It is all a ME ME ME society of people who have no self awareness.
Sadly, it is not a society toward the humility of thinking of others first.
It is definitely not about dying to self, and living for God.
But we know differently;
☆ Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus
• Philippians 2:3-5
Our ‘real’ identity is what we think, it is how we feel, it is what we do, it is who we are.
We are created in HIS image.
We are BORN again as a new creation into HIS image.
What is YOUR ‘real’ Identity?
I love you guys!