Do you feel like you live completely out of this world?
Or do you feel like you live in the turmoil OF this world?
Where is the residency of YOUR heart?
The Word tells us that we are not even citizens of this world.
We are like intergalactic child-like tourists, just passing through this world
using it as a training ground for the world that is still yet to come for us.
☆ But our citizenship is in heaven, and from IT we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ
• Philippians 3:20
– Does that mean that today we should be living on earth, as it is in heaven?
– Does that mean that today we should be living as people set apart?
– Does that mean that today we should be living as people awaiting our Savior?
What do you think?
Those are questions that we should know the answers to, and live by their principles.
Because whether we are waiting here on earth for HIS return, or up in heaven to join HIS return;
We are in a place today that is NOT eternal.
Too many Christians live for today.
Working to increase their finances, property, prestige…getting the desires of their heart.
But the Word tells us that is a temporary life decision, instead of an an eternal life solution.
☆ And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.
• 1 John 2:17
What the battle is that we face as Christians, are the small changes we allow to infringe on our faith…
Things like sex outside of marriage, pornography, dishonesty, gossip, judgementalism.
When we allow those behaviors in, it is very easy to have those behaviors grow, ever so slightly, but also ever so consistently, that those behaviors, become out of nature.
So when a person who stays closer to God in their heart,
speaks to anyone who is further away in their walk with God,
that will be difficult. The reason is, people further away from God, can be attacked in their heart by the conviction of God.
That is not always accepted, pleasant or kind.
Those who don’t know God, or too many who have walked away from God, will not want to hear about living FOR God.
For unlike us, they are of the world, and not of THE WORD.
And, as we see in todays culture, the world hates the Word.
But we live not of this world, because we have been CHOSEN by The Lord to live out of this world.
☆ If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
• John 15:19
Let us rejoice that we do not have to face that battle.
Let us rejoice that we live a life OUT OF THIS WORLD!
I love you guys!