How’s Your Driving?
I have to be honest, mine has never been that good.
I drove down the wrong path for too long on my life.
As a young man, I drove too fast, too drunk and too recklessly.
I crashed too many times, had many tickets, lost my license and even had DUI’s.
But my bad driving was also a microcosm of the way my whole life was going.
Sadly, that is how too many lives, even too many Christians lives, are going today.
They believe they are fine. Doing good.
But in reality, they are driving their lives down the wrong paths, right off the eternal cliff.
So many times, the Bible talks about people ‘doing what is right in their own eyes‘.
Just one example:
☆ In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.
• Judges 21:25
Like people of today;
– Those people did not believe they were wrong.
– Those people probably thought they were doing right.
– Those people probably thought they were doing good.
I have seen how Christians today can fall into that same trap.
Because what they do makes them ‘feel’ good, they may believe that they’re doing something that ‘IS’ good.
Maybe even others are complimenting them of their perceived goodness too.
They may think that, because they believe in God, THEY are good.
They have said the sinners prayer, been baptized, and think that is all they need.
So they go on in their lives, doing what they want to do, which feels good, and they believe they are OK.
Well, even Satan and his demons believe in God…but are they fine?
Are they going to heaven?
☆ There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.
• Proverbs 14:12
No…they are on the path to hell.
We have a culture that, like that car, is quickly picking speed, as it is driving so fast down that trail.
Not many people realize what they are doing.
They believe they are free, having just careened off that edge, they now believe that they are flying off into the clouds, soaring like an eagle through the air.
They don’t see that they are actually just using momentum of the trajectory, hitting the height of the arc and are ready to start veering down, fast, barreling down to the destructive crash of eternal death.
Gladly, we do not have to let the good we believe we should do, to get in the way of the great God has for us to be.
His ways are better than our ways.
His thoughts are better than our thoughts.
We should be set apart, not doing what we believe is good in our eyes…but we should be doing what we KNOW is good in God’s eyes.
For what is good for God, is great for us.
And THAT is the path we should be driving down.
☆ Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
• Proverbs 3:5
The solution is to follow the MAP.
Read the WORD.
God will gladly show you, then teach you, how to drive down the right path.
I love you guys!