What do you need to believe?
This scripture is probably one of the best examples of proof for us.
Think about it for a moment…
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John wrote their Gospels as a testimony of what they saw, did and experienced WITH Jesus.
As a matter of fact, Luke opens his account with just that thought;
He was making sure – as any smart analytical doctor would – that everyone knew that he was describing the facts of what he saw firsthand.
☆ Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.
• Luke 1:1-4
So, the scripture today from Peter is even more compelling.
We must remember that the Epistles of the new testament are basically just postal letters.
Just basic correspondence from one person to another like today.
But in this letter, Peter very clearly states that he is not making this stuff up.
He did not have to.
He was writing from the place of being a 1st person eyewitness…from his own very intimate experiences with Jesus.
Take that information, and combine it with the fact Peter never denied any of it.
He never took back one single word that he said about Jesus.
Even up and into the time he was crucified upside down, Peter praised and worshipped a personal Lord and Savior that he said he saw, he knew and he walked with.
What do YOU need to believe?
Well, add to what we have already addressed, these Archeological finds that give credence to Jesus and to the New Testament;
1. The Nazareth Inscription
2. The Tomb of Jesus
3. The Heel Bone of the Crucified Man
4. The Pilate Stone
5. The Ciaphas Ossuary
6. The Temple in Jerusalem
7. Jacob’s Well
8. Pool of Siloam
9. Synagogues
10. The Galilee Boat
Then, let us cap it all with another great tool one can use as evidence;
Foxes book of Martyrs.
This book documents over 100 men and women who, over a 300 year period of time, chose to die instead of recanting their faith.
They welcomed a very excruciatingly painful death, quite often in praise, worship and joy, rather than to deny their relationship with God.
Those people are proof of a faith in a Savior…one that they had never met physically, but were intimately involved with, because of their belief.
☆ Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
• Hebrews 11:1
So, what do you need to believe?
Besides the written eyewitness accounts, the archeological finds, the testimony of so many who would die rather than deny God…
How about our Spirits being pierced with the belief in HIM?
How about after;
• Reading The Word
• Prayer
• Meditating
• Fellowshipping
• Worshipping
We – Realize that any success we have is of GOD and not of our work.
We – Let the transformation of our life be the proof of God in our lives.
We – Rest in the joy and peace that we understand is not ours…but God’s.
And because of that change in us, changes we could never do on our own, we belive in a great God, who,through Christ, transforms us.
☆ “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
• John 20:29
What do YOU need to believe?
How about nothing but The Truth?