Do you believe you are a righteous person?
– Or do you believe you are a sinful person?
Do you pray, hoping God will hear you?
– Or do you have faith that your prayers are powerful & effective?
Sadly, most Christians believe that they are sinful people, just becoming better and less sinful every day, praying for God to hear them.
In this regard, I have had 3 stages in my life;
Stage 1
Before God
I did not sin (In my mind.)
I was not righteous either.
I knew nothing of Jesus, the Word, and the Truth.
So I did not know that my pride of believing I was without fault and
Living a life where I did whatever I wanted, with whoever I wanted
was really setting me up for the judgement of eternal damnation.
☆ All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law
• Romans 2:12
Stage 2
I met God
I am convicted of the man I am.
I see the sin, feel the uncleanliness I have been.
Though I know I need not to feel guilt & shame,
I remember all I have been and done and think;
‘If you know me
Like I now know me
You won’t want to know me.’
I was confident of my salvation.
I knew I was saved.
~ but ~
I did not believe I was righteous.
I did not know;
☆ He (God) made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
• 2 Corinthians 5:21
Stage 3
After having some time learning how to really read The Word & understand it
After having some time learning how to worship The Lord with abandonment
After having some time fellowshipping with great brothers & sisters in Christ
After having some time living in desire to praise HIM before all things that I do
I had a different faith.
I came to believe what God told me through the scriptures.
Just like he told Abraham:
☆ And Abram believed the LORD, and the LORD counted him as righteous because of his faith.
• Genesis 15:6
Please hear me…
Abraham was not perfect.
He screwed up a bunch of times after that.
He lied, he didn’t trust in God, he put his wife in danger.
He was messed up.
And because of that faith, he knew he was righteous.
Like you and I can be,
I choose that my prayers will be powerful and effective.
I choose that I will live in faith that God keeps HIS promises.
And because of that;
I choose today to believe I am a righteous man.
Not self-righteous…
Because my righteousness could NEVER have been because of anything I did.
The scripture tells us that;
☆ And to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness,
• Romans 4:5
So, let us live in HIS promises.
Let us live in HIS faithfulness.
Let us live in the belief that we are
And our prayers will all be powerful and effective!
I love you guys!