To the Christian; It is obvious this verse is speaking about others.
But also…It is all on you. It is all on me. It is on all of us!
If there is someone around you, who has no idea about God, or does no know anything about their salvation through Jesus Christ…It is all on YOU! (And me)
☆ Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.
• Romans 10:17
Men, we are supposed to do this, share HIS Word.
We are to go and share the Love of God IN US, by speaking it with others, so they can have it duplicated in them.
For on that day, when ALL will stand before the throne of judgement, when those faces come before HIM, those who DON’T know, but who COULD HAVE known, but didn’t because we kept our mouths shut, or waited because we thought we had enough time…
That is all on you, ME, on all of us!
☆ Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
• Matthew 28:19
Who do you know that you can give the good news to today?
Don’t let them be left out, because ‘they just didn’t know’.
Because sadly…that will be all on you!
I love you guys!

Remember this men…
God can help people to refuse Him.
Our scripture today says that GOD will cause those who have chosen NOT to believe…to be even MORE deceived.
Yes…God will cause deception in those that will end up in destruction.

The possibility that this process is already happening seems very likely.
There are those who seem to become so angry at hearing the name of The Lord.
God is helping them to refuse Him.
They really seem to hate the people of God and condemn them for being so…(enter derogatory term here).

But we should not take it personally.

☆ The world cannot hate you, but IT HATES ME because I testify about it that its works are evil.
• John 7:7

We should be ready to stand against that hate.
To know God has our backs, as well as our fronts too.
He will go before us, prepare a way for us, and even prepare us to be ready IN those places.
Strong, bold, ready and able.

☆ Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
• 1 Corinthians 16:13

So as we speak HIS word, remember, there will be some who refuse it.
Pray about those people.
Are you to help them?
Are you to minister to them?
Is God may actually be ‘helping’ them refuse it?

I love you guys!