How do YOU see the world?
From a core Biblical perspective?
If not, it will depends on where you get your news or information from.
But can you trust that news or information?
Because you can most definitely trust the Bible.
‘If it bleeds it leads.’
That’s been the mantra of news media for 50 years.
‘Fear sells.’
That is how they get eyeballs glued to their medium…by scaring you with enough to make you feel that you MUST ingest their information.
But God says that is not who WE are to be.
☆ For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
• 2 Timothy 1:7
The news of today is very unhealthy.
• It wants you to see your life through their lens.
• It wants you to live in fear.
• It wants to you to believe your current and future realities are what they say they are.
• It wants you to take on their ideology in culture and politics as yours.
• It wants you to accept, what they say, your future consequences will be if you do NOT take on their cultural or political ideology.
~ BUT ~
– Who knows what will happen even between just today, and election day?
– Who knows who will win, what they want to do, how our country will change?
– Who knows what will happen with the president, his health, heck, even his ability to remain in office?
– Who knows what the dark powers of evil have planned to create chaos in this country before or after the election?
The teaching of the evil, creates the chaos of evil.
The chaos of evil, creates the control FOR evil.
Which is exactly what the Bible tells us will happen.
☆ Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons.
• 1 Timothy 4:1
So, no matter if the news of the election is good, bad, legitimate or completely corrupt;
Even if the election itself goes off without a hitch, or Martial Law is imposed, so no election is allowed;
Even if all the info news tells us is about the loss of Christian freedom…
God is in control, so we should see the world through HIS EYES!
☆ Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
• Romans 12:21
We, with God, can see the world truthfully, correctly and appropriately.
And that is the 20/20 vision we need for our life.
I love you guys!