Our culture has become so obsessed with living by their ‘feelings’.
Decisions are made and actions are taken, based on how one feels at that particular time, which is not just silly…it is dangerous!
• The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
• Jeremiah 17:9
Without God as the first and foremost anchor of anyone’s life, how one ‘feels’ at any specific time has so many, maybe even too many variables, that can skew the why of what the feeling is, to the what that feeling really is.
Yet sadly, too many people in positions of authority in their homes, businesses and communities are basing major decisions on how they ‘ FEEL’ about something.
They are trusting their emotions to factor their actions…and that is unsafe.
☆ He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, But whoever walks wisely will be delivered.
• Proverbs 28:26
Feelings can change based on the situation on the simplest of things;
• How you slept
• What you ate
• What you hear
• What you see
• What you smell
And all of those things that create an emotional response, may create a feeling that has NOTHING to do with an important decisions or action one needs to take.
So the result is crap, because it was not based on wisdom, just emotion.
So, let us not be run by our ‘feelings’.
Let us be mature in our faithfulness, and mindful of our reliance on God.
Let us allow HIM be our guide, direct our path, and provide the wisdom to make the right choices in our lives.
☆ But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
• James 3:17
God will provide us with stability of our spiritual walk, which will provide us with a mature mindset, which will provide us the best heart to make decisions, because they are not based on emotions…or feelings…but on God alone.
I love you guys!

Tagged God can help to REFUSE HIM, It is all on you, Joy, Let Go, Let God