In last night’s group, we specifically spoke about this – the corruption of our political leadership – that just happens to be today’s daily scripture for us to read. I love you guys!
Coincidence? NO WAY.
We are being directed, even more today, to rely on
☆ And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.
Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Messiah.
• Matthew 23:9-10
During the time of Christ, the Pharisee’s and the Sadducee’s were the political power of the Jewish nation.
Just like today, those leaders were not leading by Godly examples, but by ceremonial mandates.
They weren’t teaching people about their first priority being their Holy faith,
But taught that man made observances were the most important aspect of their religion.
Like with WAY TOO MANY Christian leaders today;
It’s about the ritual, and even the accepted culture of the world, and not the relationship with God.
That’s exactly how the enemy likes it.
☆ Just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be ‘led astray’ from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
• 1 Corinthians 11:3
That’s why todays scripture is so important to us today.
Our country has never been perfect, but it did start with a majority of the population gladly put their personal lives under only Christ’s leadership, and cautiously put their nation under the leadership of the government.
Not so much anymore.
– Left or Right
– Liberal or Conservative
– Democrat or Republican
– Sadducee’s or Pharisee’s
Satan doesn’t care.
He has been heavily influencing both sides very strongly for a LONG TIME, and just wants to be in the place where he can most effectively
• Seek
• Kill &
• Destroy
– Injustice
– Deception
– Confusion &
– Chaos.
So, most of our political leaders (There’s still a few who seem to not have their eyes veiled by the evil of the power of politics.) have been pushing and passing ungodly and dangerous policies, actions, mandates and laws into our society,
That has created a whole new culture that is doing all it can to remove God and replace it with Government as the sole decision maker and leader of our lives.
• LGBTQ Agenda Pushed
• Abortion Right Fights
• Free Speech Censorship
• Religious Expressions Denied
• Vaccine Mandates
• Racial Equity Directives
All of these come from a Humanistic (Godless) mindset, are globally accepted, and implemented by those who are not devoted to God, but under the power of the World.
☆ The god of this world (Satan) has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
• 2 Corinthians 2:2
As the complete blackout of the new vaccine report shows, info that proves the vaccine was more of a fertilizer; actually, erasing the human body immunity, making the body more susceptible to covid and any other deadly disease, (
So is the new 9/12/22 executive order that was signed, showing the complete disregard for bodily autonomy, freedom of speech and the desire of the government to have complete control and own every human action on the planet.
So, even if the new world order may already be here, let us not get ourselves mis-directed by the enemy, the liar, and remember we are under;

Tagged Work Out On Joy