Have you met, do you know, or are you that person who is ALWAYS RIGHT? That person who would rather be right, then happy…Who would rather prove themselves correct, then to be corrected?

That person who would rather build themselves up in pride, rather than lower themselves in humility?

Because that person lives backwards.

   One’s pride will bring him low, but he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor.  –  Proverbs 29:23

The Lord teaches us that the humility of the person who welcomes correction, discipline or constructive criticism, is the one who will be lifted up, given wisdom, and shown honor.

Which is exactly what the person who acts as if they’re ALWAYS RIGHT wants, but actually the opposite of what that person will eventually get.

The fear that comes from insecurity, the low self worth that comes from a history of bad decisions or bad surroundings, can lead a person to overemphasize their belief of their knowledge and wisdom. They puff themselves up.

God speaks about that.

   For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.  –  Galatians 6:3

Let us humble ourselves. Live in peace, and be willing to be disciplined, corrected, heck, even criticized.

For God will honor us for being a man who would rather want PEACE, then to be ALWAYS RIGHT.

I love you guys!