Are you willing to be a slave?
Me personally, I actually WANT to be a slave!
To Christ.
Today’s scripture tells us;
We are ALREADY slaves.
It is just either;
a slave to the world, or
a slave to Jesus.
It also says that we don’t need to become a different person once we accept Christ.
But we can become a better version of that person as we serve under Christ.
Paul and Peter address themselves often as willing to be a slave, or a bond servant of Christ.
☆ Simeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ
• 2 Peter 1:1
☆ Paul, a bondservant of God and an Apostle of Jesus Christ
• Titus 1:1
Slavery has always been seen as a horrific enterprise, and the worst type of punishment that a person could have done to them.
When this passage was written, 2/3 of the Rome population was not free, but in servitude.
However, many of those slaves, after their term of service was up, chose to stay.
They had such a great relationship with their owners, as many were treated well, given opportunities, educations, sometimes even luxuries, and some even had a freedom that was just like a free man…so THEY wanted to stay.
Those were called ‘Bond Servants’
They would have a special, visible mark, or identifying feature stamped or tattooed on them to denote that.
The bond slave, being someone who ‘chooses’ to give his life to serve his master for the remainder of his life, was an honorable title in the 1st century.
And to the 1st Century Christian, to say that one was a ‘Bond Servant’ to Christ, well…
That was a person who was probably very easy to visibly identify.
Their behavior, speech and love, probably gave then away immediately.
That person was ‘ALL IN’.
They had given all their life to the Lord, even in the face of possible imprisonment, torture or even death.
☆ A bondservant of the Lord must not quarrel, but must be inoffensive towards all men, a skillful teacher, and patient under wrongs
• 2 Timothy 2:24
Are you willing to be a slave…like that?
Can you be a slave like that?
All I know is that we are promised that IF we are a slave like that…
• God will protect us
• God will provide for us
• God will prosper us
• God will give peace to us
Because, as we become the better version of ourselves, those positive changes that we make will provide so many better results in our lives!
☆ But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life.
• Romans 6:22
I am willing to be THAT kind of slave.
I pray you join me, as I choose to serve God, and have eternal life.