Have you ever had that thought, ‘What is my purpose?’
I know I have. 
It is usually a thought that will only come in times of things like distress, lack, or failure.
No other times, because when things are good, when we have enough money, food, clothing, and our relationships are not too strained, it seems like thoughts like that never appear.
Because in those good times, we are right where WE want to be.
Where WE want to be.
Which can be a nice place, but…is it the place where GOD wants us to be?
Now of course I am not inferring that God wants anyone to live in hardship, but when we serve ourselves, when we have met our needs, when we have our family supported, are we then to call that ‘all good’ and OUR purpose stops?
    And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to HIS purpose.
   • Romans 8:28
What is my purpose? 
It should always be
I love the scripture we have here in Esther.
She had everything to lose, the power of being a queen, untold wealth, and even her life.
She wasn’t just worried about losing the ‘stuff’, she was afraid of losing her life.
Mordecai’s words were the best;
   ☆ “Who knows? Maybe you were made queen for just such a time as this.”
   • Esther 4:14
Men, I believe WE were made for a time such as this!
What is my purpose? 
Well, just look around men. 
The culture of this world that pushes out God, and instead drives more fear, anxiety, anger, pride, bitterness onto people.
The world is getting darker and darker, and it needs to know the light of God more and more.
What is your talent, what are your skill sets, how can you apply them to spread Gods word?
Because I am convinced that God made you for that purpose!
   ☆ For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
   • Ephesians 2:10
Before we were even born, God created within us the ways we would work out HIS plan.
HE made us individually so we could each have our own ways, styles, talents, and  nature to carry out our purpose.
But that again begs our original question.
What IS my purpose?
Is it the same as YOUR purpose?
    Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
   • Matthew 28:19
You and I DO have the same purpose.
~ But ~
You and I will just have been given different ways to carry out that purpose by God.
Jesus gave us a purpose.
We have just been calling it a ‘commission’ for a long, long time.
It is, like any other military commission, a duty, a job, a requirement and a must if we say we are the Christian we say we are.
Even better, if we ARE that Christian you say you are, you will want to do this and actually ENJOY it.
So my brothers, we never have to ask the question ‘What is my purpose’..
Our Lord has clearly told us, and we just need to find out what is the way God designed us, before we were even born, as we read in Ephesians, to carry out that purpose.
For when we do, we will be smack dab in the middle of the Joy of the Lord.
    These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.
    • John 15:11
What a great promise;
1. We find out what the gifting is the Lord specifically gave to us individually.
2. Using our gift, or nature, we reach, preach & teach His Word to make disciples (Our Purpose)
3. We live in the Joy of The Lord
How great is that?
That is my purpose.
I love you guys!