The Creator Of Matter.
Science or semantics?
MATTER – Definition; noun
Physical substance in general,
that which occupies space and possesses mass.
MATTER – Definition; Verb
To be of importance;
That which has significance.
Today’s culture seems to ignore the noun, but focus on only seeing value on the Verb definition of that word.
It seems that the ‘value’ of identity has totally consumed the culture.
That is because the culture has now separated itself into segments of people.
It has now put a value level on each segment based on today’s cultures, and the overall worldly values.
But that is not Gods way;
☆ For God shows no partiality.
• Romans 2:11
Period. Simple. That’s it.
God says we all have the same value.
God says we ALL matter.
But sadly, that is not what the enemy wants;
☆ I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.
• Romans 16:17
The enemy wants us to be separated, divisive, enemies of each other, not with a heart of God, but a heart of selfishness and pride.
But that is not how God created things.
That is not how God wanted things.
As Peter stated;
☆ “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation, any who revere him and do what is right are acceptable to him.”
• Acts 10:34-35
• GOD says you matter,
• GOD says you have value
• GOD says you are a person – not a race
• GOD says, if you revere Him, you are acceptable to HIM
He should know, He created everything;
☆ For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible
• Colossians 1:16
So when the Creator of Matter:
Tells you that YOU matter:
THAT is something that you should take as a matter…of fact.
I love you guys