I answer to no one!
I hear that statement more often than you would think. ‘I answer to no one!’ That may sound great, and may be true for that person…today.
But it is not a true statement for that person forever.
Because they WILL answer to someone, someday, for everything, they ever
– SAID or
on earth.
☆ For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for everything he has done in the body, whether good or evil.
• 2 Corinthians 5:10
Let me have you think about this question;
Do YOU live today like you know that every thought, word or action must be accounted for on your day of judgement?
Well, praise God we have Grace, Mercy Forgiveness and Love!
(But still…we will appear before the judgement seat of Christ.)
So, if we all eventually answer to God, I’m going to look at that as a ‘final exam’.
And if I am going to take a final exam, I better have studied the text.
Because if I KNOW the Word, I will be able to answer for myself well.
☆ For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do NOT obey the gospel of God?
• 1 Peter 4:13
Obey the Gospel of God.
We will have to answer for that.
But that is hard, as the Gospel of God is almost impossible!
Because we will not just answer for our actions…but our THOUGHTS.
Jesus made the 10 Commandments look like Mr. Rogers!
Actions (Matthew 5) Thoughts
You have heard it said: But I Say:
You shall not murder Anyone who is even
angry is guilty
You have heard it said: But I say;
You shall not commit adultery Even if you LOOK at a
woman with lust you
are guilty
You have heard it said: But I say:
Eye for an eye, tooth for tooth Turn the other cheek,
give your shirt
You have heard it said: But I say:
Love your neighbor, hate your enemy Love your enemy, pray
for those who persecute
Using the ‘Obeying the Gospels” is the beginning of judgement, how are you doing?
Based on these values that Jesus sets the bar at, how good CAN we do?
Well, praise God we have Grace, Mercy Forgiveness and Love!
(But that is not our ‘Get out of jail free’ card to use as an excuse to NOT try)
• 2 Timothy 4:8
So, let us live with a mindset that we:
Will all answer to someone!
Let us have studied the text, lived out our lives in faith to HIM, so we will pass that final exam and graduate to that next level.
I love you guys!

Tagged Work Out On Joy