Today’s scripture pierces my heart. It brings up a topic about, what has been in my past, one of the biggest fears I have had to overcome.
But what was, possible, my biggest fear?
‘What others think of me.’
The Fear of Man.
Sadly, even as a Christian man, knowing the truth, and also knowing whose single opinion, is the ONLY opinion that really matters…I have struggled with this.
The worship of self.
It has kicked my butt in the past, and has proved that my pride was stronger than my faith, because I was more concerned about was what others thought, than what God did.
☆ The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.
• Proverbs 29:25
When I trust in myself, this discomfort will slowly creep into my life.
It is not all at once, but so slowly and gradually…almost imperceptibly.
But when I start seeing myself changing my behaviors on things like;
• Speaking The Name of Jesus to anyone
• Speaking scriptures in my conversations with anyone
• Participating in ungodly conversations with others
• Participating in inappropriate activities with others
• Speaking, in love, to others who are afflicted by their sin
I know that I have succumbed to the lie of the enemy.
The lie that;
If I speak or act in those situations within the truth of God, man would have power over me to cause me embarrassment, shame, loss, or even physical harm.
But that is NOT the truth.
☆ We can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?”
• Hebrews 13:6
The world (Satan) is attacking us, doing everything it can to have us believe that we need to fear.
Fear man.
Fear Government.
Fear Ideology.
Fear Fear itself.
It is telling us that we need to care more about what others think of us, and save our reputation.
More than we need to care about others souls, and share the Gospel.
But if we say we are followers of Christ, if we say we serve our Lord and Savior, than wouldn’t our priority be to do what He commissioned us to do?
To go and make Disciples?
We will probably not be successful at that, if our ‘self’ is in the way.
We most likely will not be effective at that, if our pride is in the way.
We will, in no way, be able to do that, if we let our fear lead the way.
Because that is US, not letting God fulfill His promise to us,
and allowing HIM to do His work through us,
☆ For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.
• Galatians 1:10
I bet we have ALL felt this way.
I believe we have ALL, at some time, had more fear of the reaction of some person, than we did about the reaction of GOD.
This battle needs to stop within us.
We need to be reminded who we are.
Sons of the MOST HIGH KING.
And man is NEVER who we should ever fear.
Jesus tell us;
☆ And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
• Matthew 10:28
So, let us have a healthy fear. A reverential fear of our Lord.
Not some ridiculous fear of our neighbor, co worker, friend or family member.
Let us die to self, and allow God to fill us with HIS power to speak confidently, purposefully, and effectively.
I love you guys!

Tagged Work Out On Joy