Who am I?
Today’s scripture is about the weight of leadership.
I spoke on how that affected me at a group last night.
David said:
☆ “Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?”
“You know what your servant is really like.”
• 1 Chronicles 17:16 & 18
David not only knew his strengths, but he knew his weaknesses.
That is what was in my heart last night as I facilitated a group.
Who am I that God would choose me?
Called into this long ago, my biggest hurdle has always been…ME!
I use to say “Lord, you know who I REALLY am, and you want ME to lead a ministry?”
What about you?
What has God put in your heart or what situation has He placed you into, where YOU doubt YOU?
Well, this is where today’s scripture should really hit home for us.
Solomon knew also, as such a young man at this time here, what a wonderful, yet frightening place he was being put in.
But he went to the source of all supply…GOD.
We need to completely mimic that behavior ourselves, and not just 1 time, but every time also.
When we seek the wisdom of God, He promises to provide.
☆ God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
• Philippians 4:19
Not just physically (food, clothing, finances), but the
wisdom to know His will, most definitely!
It’s kind of like when we pray for others,
WE get better,
so it is when we ask for The Wisdom Of God’s Will,
We will also find peace, joy, financial security and so much more there too.
Because we are asking for the best thing, for the first thing!
☆ I can do all things through HIM who strengthens me.
• Philippians 4:13
God will never take you to,
What he will not bring you through.
I have found that out.
I no longer look at my weaknesses, but at HIS strength in me.
When we seek Him, His wisdom, and His strength to be the rudder for the voyage of our life…
We will never go off course, and have the best journey ever!
and we will never have to ask, Who Am I? Ever again.
I love you guys!