What are yours?
What IS yours?
Have you ever seen the painting by Picasso called “Women of Algiers” (Version 0)?
I, personally, think it looks like a child painted it.
But it just sold for
$179 Million dollars!
Because it had a VALUE that made it worth that, to that person who bought it.
It sure does not have that kind of value to me.
I would not have spent a dime on it.
I find it unattractive.
But as the scripture says;
☆ Where your treasure is, there your heart is also.
• Matthew 6:21
So, as you probably know, it can be easy to see, in so many other people, and also in just a quick glance, what their values are.
Money, property or prestige values are easy to spot as their indicators are obvious.
But, what is usually impossible to see…
Is what they believe THEIR OWN VALUE IS.
What do you believe your is?
• We have been so tarnished by the world.
• We have had so much of the current culture baked into our psyche, and
• We have carried around our own baggage from our past,
And those have defined our self evaluation of ourselves.
So, most humans tend to look at our value from our pea brained, humanistic point of view.
Sadly, that includes too many within the church as well.
They will look at themselves through their own eyes, and not through the perspective of Christ.
Even if they are they aren’t honest, they will still know their history, their faults, their fears, their imperfections, so they will have a very warped value of themselves.
That can create a life that lives in the fear of not being worthy enough of the salvation that Jesus promises.
But it is a lie.
☆ Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.
• Matthew 10:31
Stop looking into the mirror with your own eyes, and look with the perspective that Jesus has ALREADY TOLD US he has for us.
What IS that value?
As we heard about a painting that sold for 179 Million,
What is the price that was paid for you?
•The perfect humans life was given for you.
• The pure blood of Christ was shed for you.
• The Son of God was sacrificed for you.
☆ For you were bought with a price.
So glorify God in your body.
• 1 Corinthains 6:20
Tell me (If you even could possibly do so.)
What price is greater than that?
So what value do you REALLY have, and to who?
I love you guys!