What a lifeguard!
How many times have you been rescued?
If your reading this now, and you can’t think of a time…then you just weren’t aware of it at the time.
Because I am confident God has saved your life by throwing out a life preserver at least once, if not many more times.
☆ The Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials.
• 2 Peter 2:9
So, even though we love The Lord,
– Our Thoughts, which can cause
– Our Behaviors, which can cause
– Our Actions, which can cause
– Our Consequences.
Which can be ungodly.
Can Get us in deep water.
Because when those thoughts, behaviors and actions
are not led by the Holy Spirit,
then obviously, the consequences are not going to be holy or spiritual,
Which means they probably won’t be safe or positive.
Hence our need for a
Praise the Lord that
• He keeps forgiving us,
• He keeps loving us,
• He keeps coming back for us, &
• He keeps saving us…from ourselves.
Wouldn’t you love to live the life where God doesn’t have to keep getting out of the jams you are in?
That you would always have the right thoughts, behaviors and actions?
God has promised us we can.
☆ Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
• Romans 12:2
So if we are able to test, approve and know God’s perfect will, wouldn’t that mean we would be
Sounds logical to me.
So, let us be sanctified, purified, and refined into being THAT MAN.
Let us become the man walking in HIS will.
Because we will never have to be rescued from that place.
But until then, keep watch, and stay aware, for God has promised that HE will still be your lifeguard.
☆ The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom.
2 Timothy 4:18
Our Lord and Savior…What a lifeguard!
I love you guys!