ID Do vs ID Done
Today’s scripture proves that God is the same yesterday, today and forever, just as sin is.
What is being said in this passage is just as relevant, if not more, about 2000 years later!
Today, people want to do the choosing of their own individual identity, based on how they ‘feel’.
That has become the major battle that todays culture has chosen to fight for.
But who is the human person that, who not only has the ability, but has that AUTHORITY, to do that?
Who are they to decide?
☆ In the image of God HE created him;
Male and female HE created them.
• Genesis 1:27
They can’t do it.
Because it has already been DONE!
Like our salvation;
We can’t ‘DO’ anything to have God love us more, or save us, or give us eternal life.
It has been ‘DONE’.
On the cross.
So it is here also.
God created our identities, individually, before we were even born.
☆ Before I formed you in the womb I knew you
• Jeremiah 1:5
Changing our identity based on how we ‘feel’, is dangerous.
Feelings change all the time, quickly by current events, daily incidents, even what we eat.
But over time, we will feel dramatically different due to our experiences, education, and being matured by age.
So that kind of identity can be so fragile, it can crumble easily at the slightest argument against it.
Which is why the violent rhetoric is there to protect it.
That is why being IN CHRIST is the most solid identity.
Christian don’t struggle with who they are, because living is Gods power, HE gives us our clarity, focus and the knowledge of what His will is for us.
We can know the ‘WHAT’ of Identity
Because He shows us the ‘WHY’ of our identity.
We will know our purpose.
☆ For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
– which God prepared beforehand, –
that we should walk in them.
• Ephesians 2:10
So remember;
ID Do vs ID Done
Men, this is obvious.
Because…it is finished.
I love you guys
I.D. Do