Today, I am…not. What? Why? Because I don’t want to wind up like the those Opera Singing Christians.
Living the life of; ‘ME ME ME MEEEEEEE!’
(You know some, you’re imagining them right now.)
But that is today. Because this is a battle we ALL face.
Because, even though we know, we understand and we even agree, that it is God…we sometimes still live like it is ME, who is the great;
‘I AM’
(Instead of the little, I am…not.)
☆ For where you live with envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.
• James 3:16
Like the song says; We did it ‘MY Way’…but
– HE is ‘THE Way’
Today’s culture is all about ‘your truth’…but
– HE is ‘THE Truth’
The world’s standard is ‘it is all about my choices for my life’…but
– HE is ‘THE Life’
Today, the world gets too offended, too fast, and cancels others too much if they don’t agree with the current view, because the world’s thoughts are the first and last acceptable perspectives…but
– HE is ‘THE First and THE Last’!
☆“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this:
‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’
The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
There is no commandment greater than these.”
• Mark 12:29-31
In a self centered society, of selfish people – even in the church – this type of living, thinking of God first, and putting others before yourself, is alien.
• We can read the words.
• We can understand the words.
• We can speak about the words.
• We can even agree with the words.
Us living out the words;
That’s a totally different beast!
So, what is the point of this message?
– the men within the fellowship of God through Jesus Christ, –
Need to remove ourselves from the world’s perspective,
from the self based thinking that has permeated the church
the mindset that has infected the
– submission,
– service &
– worship,
which in turn stunts the fruit from growing out of our faith.
☆ And Jesus said to all,
“If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”
• Luke 9:23
The ‘Dying to Self’ lifestyle that Jesus requires from us,
even though it is easier said than done…
Still needs to be DONE!
We need to live
• to worship,
• in service,
• for others.
Not for self.
Because it is HE who is the great I AM, &
I am just the little, I am…not.
I love you guys!