Disagreeable Acceptance, an oxymoron if there was one.
• Acceptance
Is NOT the same as
• Agreement.
We now have a society that can’t have one without the other.
How about you?
Can you accept someone who you do not agree with?
Can you have Disagreeable Acceptance?
Can you honestly say that you can be friends with someone who you do not see eye to eye with on topics that are important to you?
Well, the most important topic for the Christian man, should be Faith in God, through Christ.
The most important Words to us from Christ, was His commandment to;
☆ Go and make disciples of all nations
• Matthew 28:19
But, if that is the case,
If we can’t accept, love or be friends with those who do not agree with our faith in Christ…
Then how can we evangelize?
Speaking with people who are not yet believers, followers, or disciples in Christ, means that they will have many disagreements with us about our faith in God, through Christ.
They may even be hostile.
So, how do we deal with, what should be, that most important topic to us.
OK…Good question, but on top of that;
How about the different policies within different segments of churches?
If those policies diasgree with Scripture, we should speak more to them, than ever!
Men, that is about saving (eternal) live!
But sadly, even within the church, the ungodly behavior of intolerance, disrespect, and bitter criticism is used against any belief that is different, and that bad behavior is justified through self righteous rationalization.
☆ If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother,
he is a liar;
for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen
cannot love God
whom he has not seen.
• 1 John 4:19-20
So men,
Regardless if your
– Liberal or Conservative
– Believer or Unbeliever
– Whatever Denomination
– Whatever Race
We need to know in our hearts that;
• Jesus Christ lived.
• Jesus Christ died.
• Jesus Christ rose again.
• He did that all as a sacrifice for our sins, so that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life.
That is our key to it all.
And that will be the belief that will pave the way for us to love our way through any conversation, with anyone from any background, and;
☆ By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, by your love.
• John 13:35
I love you guys!