In today’s scripture is another reminder, and example from God, that, was put into the Word, over 2000 years ago,

That God, through Christ, teaches HIS followers that there is

God wants us strong.
Racism makes us weak.

Peter was a Jew, and because of the Jewish traditions, he did not want to go into the house of the Roman gentile, Cornelius.

God said to Peter just before this;
☆ “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”
• Acts 19:15

Now, we know that God was talking about food to Peter, in a vision.
But what God is doing, is preparing Peter to go and preach to a gentile, in that Gentiles home, which would have been an action that any Jewish person would have never done.
As it was considered to be an unclean act for Jew to enter a Genitles home.

The Pharasee’s and Saducees were racist.
They thought gentiles a weaker people.
Yet, we find that the Phrasees were actually the weaker people, as they were easily defeated by God’s power.

Racism was what stopped a Jew (Especially a Pharasee) from entering a gentiles home, as a matter of fact, they were so racist, they would go miles out of their way in their travels so they would not enter the land mass area of Samaria also.

But God, through Christ, changed all of that!

Paul was a Pharasee’s Pharasee. (A racists racist)
He hated Christ’s followers so much, he volunteered to go and kill them.
He was also so well known for his knowledge of following Jewish Law and rituals.
He was a strong, powerful Jewish leader and Soldier.

But when Christ pierced Paul’s heart,
The Holy Spirit transformed his life, and
his viewpoint of people was completely altered.

In one instance he writes;
☆ There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
• Galatians 3:28


We need to live in Christ’s love.
THAT is strength!
And in HIS love, there is only one thing we need to remember;

☆ That God so love the WHOLE WORLD, that He gave His Son…
• John 3:16

The whole world.

We may not all be ‘Children’ of God…
But we surely were all
‘Created’ by God!

So instead of looking at what we may think a weakness, the differences of skin color, we need to realize we all have;

That will help us to look deeper into the person.
We will really want to know more about the details of their lives.
Then we can be more effective IN their lives.

We will not be shallow, looking at their skin color, their ancestry, or their cultural living situation.

Racism today is a manufactured hate,
A tool of the enemy.
It is created today to seperate, because then the enemy can win.
When we are united, in God, through Christ, the enemy will only be vanquished.

Because, as we
• Live in Christ,
We can
• Love as Christ
So we can
• Look for the Christ
In others.

That is strength,
That is powerful, and
That is what God wants from us.

I love you guys!