What do you think?

Too many men walk today with so many insecurities.

The value they have of themselves is very low to non existent.

But men;
What is even worse overall, is the value that some of us may seek for ourselves from outside sources.

Remember that song;
‘Lookin for love in all the wrong places.’?
That can really be us!

Too many men can find themselves looking for their validation from;
• Women
• Family
• Work
• Friends
• Money
• Achievements

And these value systems, which are all outside of ourselves, are not absolute.

– Think about it;
Would your approval for a co-worker, have different standards than your approval for a family member?

Would your need to please your wife, be different than your need to please your friend?

I bet the answer is yes to both of those.

– Yet, it really shouldn’t be.

But we’re human.

Gods standards are not our standards.
He even says so.

☆ For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
Neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
• Isaiah 55:8

Gods values are perfect values.
Gods values are permanent values.

We should strive to work towards those values.
Our values inrespect, kindness & love should be the same across the board to everyone.

– We should give the same standard to everyone with the same integrity.

~ Men, be clear here in what I am saying;
That is NOT saying we should value the child molester the same as we would value our daughter…

That is NOT what I mean.

But our respect, our love, should be based in GOD, and using THAT frame of reference, we should consider each person from that same scale.

– So, though we may not care for the person, we can still have a value for their life, and still act with a loving respect, as GOD, in Christ would.

– So…
That being said;

We should also use that same system for the value we have for ourselves.

Think about that;
The way we are treated by our wives, bosses, kids, and friends may change daily, depending on how they ‘feel’.

It may be up one day, and really good because they are happy, or it may be down the next day and disrespectful because they are upset.

– And because of that;
Our emotional response can be all over the place then, because our value is based on their approval on others and their treatment toward us.

• That is not healthy.
• That is not stable.

Because they’re human, and their approval is not going to be perfectly constant.
But Christ’s will;

☆ Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
• Hebrews 13:8

To sum it up;
Let us base our approval on others, the same way we seek approval for ourselves;

– On Gods example.
Constant, standardized, based on HIS Word, and most of all, on HIS love.

That way, we can have a strong confidence of our own value, while at the same time have a loving respect for others (even those we don’t care that much for).

Best of all… we will not be dependent upon others to feel a any kind of worth of who we are.

God will fill us with HIS love, which is the greatest value of all.

I love you guys!