
That is what I think when I read today’s passage.

How brave is the man who says;
Ok God, here is my heart.
• Test it,
• Try it,
• Tweak it and
• Tell me what bothers you about it.

That man is ‘brave’ because God will pierce his heart, illuminate his imperfections and show him what he needs to change.

That man is ‘Brave’ because he is willing to look into his life and remove what is not working.
For a man to actually admit that there are flaws, defects or traits that are wrong, and need to be righted, is brave.

Because he has humbled himself.

He has given up
His need to look good
His need to control, and
His need to be right.

That is a brave hearted man.

And a man who can say, as Mel Gibson yelled;

You can’t take my