S.O.C. (Save our Children)

Today’s scripture reminds me of the factoid I learned some time ago;

– Historically,

It is the rise of a cultural agreement, & the rampant practice of immoral and deviant sexual behaviors, that signaled the start of the collapse of a civilization.

– Well,

The U.S.A. has slipped over that slope for sure!

Ruth Graham (Billy’s wife) was quoted as saying;

– “If God doesn’t judge the U.S. for it’s behaviors, then He owes an apology to Sodom & Gomorrah.”


The battle of a lifetime, is the war over our children.

When a family unit is splintered,

• The mother & father who are selfish and at odds with each other, or

• The broken families, with the scars of separations,

• The challenges of new step mothers and fathers, or worse…

• The absent father (I know that man, he was me.)


Culture (The world) steps right in, and takes right over, and teaches what is right (In the eyes of the world.).


– If our children are grown,

– If our children are not with us,

-If we don’t even have children,

That doesn’t let us off the hook for being that example for


I know we all want to hear from God when we get to heaven;

~ “Well done, good and faithful servant.”~

We wont though, if we are just standing by, doing nothing, and watching those children around us be doomed to death by the poison of these demonic lies.

We have the TRUTH.

We know the TRUTH

We need to SHARE the TRUTH.

Because that truth will set them free.

I love you guys!