Bury The Self

Dying to self…

You know how they say;

“Simple, but not easy”

Not this one.

Not simple at all.

And ~

It is not even easy to understand some times.

– Because this means we have to give up a part of our character, we may not have even known existed!

• We don’t realize how self centered we are.

• We don’t realize how much we care for our comfort

• We don’t realize how much pride determines our actions

• We don’t realize how we do NOT esteem others over ourselves…as the scripture tells us to.


To die to self, is to live for God.

To live for God, is to be dead to the World.

To be dead to the World, is to be alive…Eternally!


Be in this process, dying to self, and watch how God rewards, fills and blesses you for the attempts you put into it.

I love you guys!