The new testament reading in Mark 3, verse 12 has always been an enigma to me.

Jesus is going all over, loving, teaching and healing so many people, showing exactly who He is.
But regarding the evil spirits that were cast out; He ‘Sternly commanded them NOT to reveal who He was`

Huh? What?

Throughout His ministry, He never came out and just said “I am GOD. Worship and obey me”.
THAT would have been too easy.
He wants us to search for Him, seek Him, look for Him so we can trmuly DISCOVER HIM!

It is so much more personal then, so much more intimate then, so much more real.
He wants us to KNOW Him. He wants us to want Him, because His joy is to reveal Himself to us. Not like those who do not care for Him…

Like in Luke 8:10;
Jesus said, “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, “‘though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.’

He loves to filter the right people close to Him, and make sure that those who choose to NOT follow, can not.
I just always found it interesting, that all the demons KNEW EXACTLY WHO JESUS WAS.
He had to say “shush…be quiet, I am teaching everyone else who I am, and do not need you to blabber it.”

Satan is NOT an atheist.

The demons were always scared of Jesus’ power, and He loves it when we search, seek and find Him, because He first loved us.

I love you guys!