In those very early days of the nation of Israel, can you imagine how much discipline there must have been;
Think about this; not just to accept a very radical change, but then also to apply the quickness to make that change happen;

The ability that the Jewish nomad tribe in the desert must have had to make that come to pass?

For them to be able to completely break down, or set up a camp, with a large tabernacle of worship in the middle of it, for a group of over 2 Million people
(Which would sincerely be comparable to a city of people LARGER than San Diego, or San Antonio)…

And to do it in just 1 day!!

But they were ready!

They were always on call.
OK, now I grant you that they had this cloud thing by day, and fire anomaly by night…and that kind of helped to keep it fresh in their minds.
But let’s be real with that;

We know that even during the pillar of fire and smoke time, the people had a way of forgetting those other huge miracles and complaining. Now add that to the miraculous way that their journey went. Could it be that those could have lost their impact on the people?
It could have been a month, or even a year, between the changes or moves, and even those miraculous pillars could have become a routine, and not have had the importance they had after the first few days, right? All they were to them was their movement monitor.

Right. OK. But…

How does that relate to us?

Well, at first, the life of a new Christian is awesome! The new spirit of energy, excitement and encouragement fills us like the pink cloud of being on a honeymoon.

However, when we have a routine life, even though we have our pillar of smoke (The Word) and our pillar of fire (The Holy Spirit)…it can become mundane, not fresh, and maybe even boring.
We forget. We complain.

But we can not fall into that trap. Sadly, many will lose their passion as the scriptures tell us (Matthew 24:12), and as we see that happen, we will know…It is the sign of the times.
It is way more than just, ‘time for us to keep watch’, it is really the time we are to be ‘ready’ for.
For as the scripture says, ‘The person who is not ready, it will be a time of the greatest sorrow’.

But more than that, we are to – ‘be’ – ready to show OTHERS how to – ‘get’ – ready.
Because we all know, that way too many people are NOT ready.
Be honest with yourself…How many people do you know, that you would like to have join you in heaven, but have not accepted Him to get to heaven? And maybe you have not talked to them about it, or maybe you have not done anything to lead them to it?

Men…that is just like walking by a person ready to kill themselves and doing nothing.
That is not acceptable. We are to be ‘READY’ for that!!
We are not only to be ready to save ourselves and our families (to the best of our ability), in that day…but we are also to help those who are NOT getting ready, and instead are;
~ Going to jump off a bridge (Porn)
~ Going to hang themselves (Alcoholism or Addictions)
~ Going to shoot themselves in the head (Not accepting Christ)

~ Going to shoot others (standing in the way of OTHERS accepting Christ)
And so many other ways…

2 Timothy 4 tells us to be ‘ready’, to be prepared, to look for, in and OUT of season, to reach, teach and preach the ‘Good News’.

Because the time is coming, my brothers, and when you get to heaven, the only sorrow we would ever feel, (if we were to even feel sorrow in heaven, which I doubt), would only be for those people we knew who were left behind.
Souls that we could have helped become READY!

I love you guys.