“Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on.” (Exodus 14:15)
That is so us!

Stop whining, stop complaining, stop worrying, stop the fear based reactions to what has NOT happened yet…

Men…Stop pole vaulting over mouse turds! And get your ass up and get moving!

So, God took them, and remember, this was on purpose, on a LONGER pathway to Israel. Before they even showed fear or complained about any conflict. He did that just because He did not want them to ‘change their minds’ due to any fear of war with the Philistines that may have come along the way…but…God purposefully hardened Pharaohs heart, and sent him after the Israelites.

So they had a fear of being killed by the Egyptians.
And their minds changed.

They complained, for they did not consider all the miracles that had just happened…all the plagues that hurt or killed Egyptians, but did not harm them, or even the huge pillar of fire that was in front of them at that exact moment.
Have we, are we, or would we be like that?

Totally forgetting the miracles of God in our past, or not even seeing the awesome power of God right in front of us?

How many of us saw that great classic movie “The Ten Commandments”?
How many times we envision that as we read this old testament story.
But we may not understand how wrong it really is in our vision of it.

There is never a real mention of ‘The Angel of the Lord, who is leading’ and…
It never really showed an event that happened in the middle of the night.
“Then the angel of God, who had been traveling in front of Israel’s army, withdrew and went behind them…throughout the night the cloud brought darkness to the one side and light to the other side; so neither went near the other all night long…then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night the Lord drove the sea back…and at daybreak the sea went back to its place. (Exodus 14)

Guys, so often we forget what our battles really look like, or just plain see them in the wrong light.
But God…

He says, stop whining, look who is ahead of you, going before you, and remember what has happened before with you, how He has taken care of you.

And get going!
Stop grumbling, and get busy!!
We have work to do, and a promised land to go inherit!

I love you guys!