Obedience to God = Peace in our life.

So much is happening globally, nationally, and even locally today that can make it so easy for us to have a heavy heart.

As I am sure you see, too many people take the current events too personally to where it affects them negatively.

Some people get bitter or angry and others get sad or even to the point of severe depression.

Men, as today’s scripture states, we are to have HIS peace.

Not the peace of the world, which is shallow and temporary at the very best, but instead;


In this passage, right after He told us that

“if you love Me, you will obey Me”,

He said that the Holy Spirit would come to be

‘IN US’.

So, if we are to obey HIM, then we will accept HIS Holy Spirit IN us,

and in having the Holy Spirit in us,

Obviously will then have HIS PEACE…no matter what goes on locally, nationally or Globally.

Men, that is exactly who GOD wants us to be.

He wants us to be men, who even though there are bad things happening around us that we know are sad, and we are sorry that they happen, we still live in HIS peace that allows us to be His light, and that makes us able to help those who are lost in the darkness of the world.

So remember;

Obedience to God = Peace in our lives.

I love you guys!